Emergency Physician and Lead for Resuscitation, Northern Beaches Hospital in Sydney Prehospital & Retrieval Medicine Specialist, New South Wales Ambulance Consultant in Intensive Care, Dubbo Health Service Cliff completed emergency medicine and intensive care training in the UK and a paediatric critical care fellowship in Australia, and has worked in prehospital emergency medicine in London, Hong Kong, and Sydney. As director of training he introduced stress exposure training and advanced human factors concepts into critical care paramedic and physician training at Sydney HEMS, and led the creation of the Zero Point Survey with international collaborators. Cliff is fascinated by the commonalities in successful resuscitation cases regardless of patient age or location and believes expert practitioners working in expert systems provide patients with the best chance of life-saving care, and therefore devotes his time to critical care education and supporting the multidisciplinary team. He loves spending time with his family and notusingcommas. You can find him and his teaching videos at CliffReid.com